Finding a Midwife in the state of Arizona

There are three main ways of finding a midwife in Arizona. The most reliable is to visit the Arizona Department of Health updated list of licensed midwives. That government department updates its resources with the latest licensing information on the first business day of the month.
The second method is to visit Arizona Association of Midwives and do a local search through their portal. While they do have some of the LM’s in the state listed, they do not have everyone’s information so you may not find one that is in your area.
The third way is to perform a basic Google search for things like “phoenix home birth” or “Arizona midwife” and look through the results. Once you have found someone you think would be a good fit for your birth experience, you should cross-reference them with the above mentioned AZ Dept. of Health database to make sure they are licensed and in good-standing.